Many people do not realize the importance of how they dress; for some, it is just a matter of putting on some clothes and walking out the door. In a job interview, the candidate who is selected for the job is the one who is perceived to be the best candidate, even though that person may not actually be the best candidate for the job. In this world we live in, it is all a matter of how well you display yourself which determines your success—whether it may be in your career, romance or influence over others.
The way you dress is more important than you may think. Researchers have come up with some scientific evidence to support the notion that what you wear really does make a difference in how you influence the world around you. It's a scientific fact that people make judgements about you in less than 30 seconds. Since 80 to 90 percent of your body is covered by clothes, what you wear makes a significant statement. Therefore why not take advantage of this knowledge to enhance and control how to present the best image of yourself.
Start by buying the correct size for your clothes, this may seem like something which is generally understood, but the truth is that many people actually buy clothes which are far too big for their body. Try on clothes from different brands which you like until you find one that really fits you well. View our 'bad fit, good fit' and 'fit - pants' posts to understand how they should fit.